


Gum grafting restores receding gums, reduces sensitivity, and enhances gum health for a healthier, more beautiful smile.

What are Gum Grafts?

Gum grafting, also known as gingival graft surgery, is a periodontal procedure designed to restore receding gums and improve gum health. During the surgery, the dentist or periodontist takes tissue from the patient's palate or uses donor tissue and carefully grafts it onto the areas with gum recession.

This process helps cover exposed tooth roots, reducing sensitivity, and preventing further gum recession. Gum grafts also promote gum tissue regeneration, enhancing the overall appearance and health of the gums.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring patient comfort. After gum grafting, proper postoperative care and maintaining good oral hygiene practices are vital for successful healing and long-term gum health.


Anesthesia: Local anesthesia ensures a pain-free procedure for the patient.

Tissue Harvesting: The dentist or periodontist obtains tissue from the patient's palate or uses donor tissue.

Graft Placement: The collected tissue is carefully grafted onto the areas with receding gums.

Healing and Follow-up: Proper postoperative care and maintaining good oral hygiene practices are essential for successful healing and gum health.

Benefits of Gum Grafts

Restores Gum Health: Gum grafts help to repair receding gums and prevent further gum recession.

Reduces Sensitivity: Covering exposed tooth roots with grafts can alleviate tooth sensitivity to hot and cold.

Enhanced Aesthetics: Gum grafts improve the appearance of the smile by creating a more even gumline.

Protects Tooth Roots: Grafts shield vulnerable tooth roots, preventing potential damage and tooth loss.
